Friday, February 18, 2011


I hear that variety is the spice of life, so thought I might give life's seasoning a go today. Finding a foot of accumulating snow outside my window this morning I decided to go walking instead of skiing...And I stubbed my toe, so ski boots aren't that fun at the moment. Don't tell me, I know I'm tough / a pansy. A couple of hours beside the Eagle River and I learnt some things about the place where I live. (One of the things was that I live next to the Eagle River).

A pleasant footpath found.

Limited places to rest.

My Dad got stuck in a tree.

Misleading signs - it was all sealed.

Biking is done in the summer.

A successful day. But I'm going skiing tomorrow, sore toe or not.

And it gives me a loose excuse to post this excellent song.

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