Friday, February 18, 2011

A brush with the law

A couple of impressions and interactions of the American road law system during yesterday's drive to Denver and back.

An unmarked police car whooped its sirens at me. The car sped up to drive beside me and the driver gave me what looked like two high fives through the window. Turning back to the road I saw that the speed limit was about to change to 55. Basing my assumptions on Hollywood I thought all American cops were rogue vigilantes, sticking it to their superiors because they were taken off a case they really cared about. Or, were slightly unhinged, solving cases in particularly unorthodox ways. Hollywood has been proven wrong!

A sign on the side of the highway reading "Notice: Correctional Facility Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers." When I got home I watched The Shawshank Redemption. I would have picked Tim Robbins up off the side of the road if he had his thumb out. I don't think I would have had to be too worried. He probably would have done my taxes, changed the radio station to opera, then, if he had time, whittled the gear stick into a chess piece.

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