Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Squealing through Nozawa Onsen

A week of rain interspersed with fog does not make for happy skiers. A week of rain interspersed with fog followed by two days of snow and exploring a new resort on the other hand...

High fives, squeals, giggles and a whole lotta smiles were on the cards for a day at Nozawa Onsen. After weather which reminded us of skiing at home Mark Bremner, Daz Horkings and I were ready for some juicy pow turns. An easy one hour drive through the mountain range from Akakura Onsen left us staring up into the huge expanse of Nozawa Onsen. (Yep, we did drive through the mountain range. They really know how to build tunnels in Japan). A snappy ride up a gondola with a dog leg in it left us trying to decide where to begin our adventures.

Mark and Daz deciding where to start the adventures.

Daz, spraying with the best of them.

To put it simply, our adventures led us to glorious trees, snow bikers, bottomless powder landings, snow bladers, a half pipe, dead end streets, the fear of dropping a car tyre into a deep gutter, a whole lot more of Nozawa Onsen left to explore and a desire to get back there and ski the rest of it. It is quite the place.

Daz finishing the day on a high.

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