Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"If I owned a ski resort..."

I know I have spent many an evening propped up against the bar, bandying around ideas that begin with the phrase, "If I owned a ski resort..." 

And clearly, others have too, because there is a place called Seki Onsen. This is a ski area made up of a double chair, a single chair and many truck loads of ungroomed, fresh snow. The owner hangs out at the bottom, smoking his pipe and sharing a knowing smile with his happy skiers and snowboarders. 

Being rostered onto a lesson at Seki is one of the occasional perks of working at Myoko Snowsports. Here's a summary of a day there.

Seki Onsen: two lifts, no grooming from Tom Mitten on Vimeo.

For an entertaining read about our first experience there, check out photographer extraodinaire, Matt Hull's blog here.

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