Monday, January 24, 2011

A happy good time week

"Exclamation!" Schffwooooooph. Cheers and whistling. These were the sounds of my week. If I was ranking weeks, this one would go down in a best-of list. Not one thing in particular made it so, just an accumulation of happy good times. A happy good time week!

Tuesday dawned to 16 inches of fresh powder and blue skies. This was a new (and challenging) experience for our development ski team, but they battled courageously. Skiing on one leg in soft snow is tough. (Or so I've heard.) And skiing in a monoski in fresh snow means a constant stream of snow flowing into your lap and pounding into your face. Several face plants and cartwheels later they were all skiing the deep snow like demons...who ski.

Happy sunshine times at Vail Top: Michelle, Jono, Stu, Lincoln, Mark and Tori.

Wednesday delivered another 15 inches of fresh snow. Due to the fact that half of Colorado had called in sick the day before so they could go skiing, there were very few people who could make the most of the even newer snow, meaning even fewer people on the hill. A brief training session in the morning was followed by a massive afternoon exploring Vail's Back Bowls. Too. Much. Fun.

Obligatory cheesy chairlift shot. Note: My facial hair was more like facial icicles at this stage.

And what's a stellar week without some stellar live music to top it off? With steam billowing from his scalp like a chimney stack, Lyrics Born got the faux cobble stone streets of Vail heaving. Even the upper classes, viewing the show from their chateau windows were getting their funk on.

Prime viewing position, from the shoulders of a one legged man.

But it's only Sunday. By my calculations there is still one day left to bring me round to the end of this tip top week. Bring on Monday!

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