Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's miiigghhty cold out 'ere

Pain: A basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action. (As defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. I'm led to believe it's a very reputable dictionary, primarily because it was at the top of the Google list).

I'm going to break down the last day of 2010 and the first few days of 2011 for you based on this definition.

Noxious stimulus: The cold. The oh so very cold. December 31 began with a peer out the window and the thought, "Oh, I thought today was going to be cold. It doesn't look that cold." I'm not sure what cold exactly looks like. I don't think I expected snowmen standing outside shaking their stick fists and frowning their coal eyes at me as a warning, but it didn't look that different to December 30. I learnt how wrong I was when I ventured out onto the balcony in boxer shorts and bare feet. My entire body recoiled in a move similar that of Cosmo Kramer's in any number of Seinfeld episodes. I quickly put pants and socks on and only moved outside when entirely necessary.

Naked nerve endings: January 1 dawned to an absolute amateur error. Fruit left on the front seat of the car that was intended for breakfast was frozen solid. If only I had a blender with me - frozen bananas make a wicked smoothie. This really has nothing to do with naked nerve endings, but I thought the naked bit might get you reading.

Physical discomfort: The next couple of days were not entirely pleasant. The mercury hovered anywhere between -20 degrees and -30 degrees celcius. I don't think I need to explain physical discomfort when I tell you it was my job to stand in the shade videoing racers skiing past. Although, I can't complain; the racers had to wear lycra.

Evasive action: Sharing the sliver of sunlight breaking through the trees with the other coaches. Short spints up hill. Windmilling arms. Granola bars.

January 3 was like heaven on earth. We woke to a balmy -10 degrees and the driest powder you could imagine. There's a silver lining to everything. So now if you hear me whinge or moan about how sore/painful/cold something is, just say to me, "Tom, remember those couple of days at the start of 2011?"

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