Thursday, October 20, 2011

(I like what you've done with your h)Aire River

I know the pun in the title is awful, but I'm not apologising for it. Embrace it with joy!

The Cultural Learnings have fallen by the way side of late (read: last three months), but after a few camping adventures down the Great Ocean Road it's time to get back into it.

Aire River with Bre and her magnificent van, Joan. A fine place to camp indeed.

Bre and Joan.

"Watch out for the copperhead snake a bit further down the track," the Ranger told us.
Didn't tell us how much further down the track.


FYI: Bre has always wanted to be an explorer.
Bre can choose to deny that this statement is true. 



Mad frisbee skills.

Yesterday's trickle, today's torrent.

Stuck in the middle of the raging torrent.